The consortium

The MAGNITUDE Consortium consists of 16 partners from 9 different European countries. MAGNITUDE brings together:

  • energy related experts from industry, consulting and academia, capable of coping with technologies and tools among the whole spectrum of multi energy systems;
  • experts for energy market simulation, analysis and industrial market actors from the trading and retail markets;
  • SMEs that develop IT based solutions for system operation optimisation and aggregator companies;
  • local multi utility companies operating energy network and facilities; operators of industrial, public service facilities.
  • experts in the definition and implementation of dissemination strategies and in engaging dialogue with a broad community of stakeholders, in particular interfacing regulators and policy makers.

The project partners thus form a multidisciplinary and complementary consortium highly knowledgeable with respect to the topics of the project.


































A key player in energy transition, the EDF Group is an integrated electricity company, active in all areas of the business: generation, transmission, distribution, energy supply and trading, energy services. A global leader in low-carbon energies, the Group has developed a diversified generation mix based on nuclear power, hydropower, renewable energies and thermal energy. The Group is involved in supplying energy and services to approximately 35.1 million customers, of which 26.5 million in France.

The EDF Group also has activities in the design and operation of heat networks, as well as in the gas business, e.g. in France (more than 1 million residential customers) and in Italy (22% of the Italian gas demand).

The participant in the project is EDF Research and Development (EDF R&D), a business unit of EDF SA. EDF R&D covers all business lines and activities in the energy sector. In line with EDF CAP 2030 strategy, it focuses its research efforts in four key areas:

  • Develop and test new energy services for customers,
  • Prepare power systems and electricity networks of the future,
  • Consolidate and develop competitive and zero-carbon generation mixes,
  • Support EDF international growth by developing research and industrial partnerships

To meet business needs and find solutions to major research challenges, EDF R&D has created a network of more than 300 partnerships in France and at international level with universities, research institutes and industrial partners.

Regarding the integration of high share of renewables, EDF R&D aims at identifying both technological and market design solutions to meet the evolving electricity system needs. In particular this includes analysis of market design, regulatory evolutions and business models able to foster the provision of flexibility services to the electricity system.

Role in the project

EDF is the Project Coordinator and the leader of WP7 and WP8. In WP8, EDF will manage all scientific, technical, administrative and financial aspects of the project with the support of ARTTIC and will ensure high quality and valuable deliverables. In WP7, EDF will lead and monitor the proper fulfilment of communication and dissemination activities and will ensure the long-term exploitation of the project results.

In WP2 and WP3, EDF will lead the activities carried out on the development of the functional technical and commercial architectures of the project (WP2), on the benchmark of the markets for electricity, gas and heat, and on the identification of the flexibility services to be provided to the electricity grid (WP3).

EDF will also contribute to the characterization of the flexibility services and products in WP1, and to the definition of innovative market designs and to business model activities in WP3.

Contact person:

Regine Belhomme – project coordinator,

Link to Partner’s website:

EDF R&D, EDF Lab Paris-Saclay, EFESE Department
7 Boulevard Gaspard Monge, 91120 PALAISEAU – France


cyberGRID GmbH & Co KG is specialised in the development and deployment of Flexibility Aggregation System in partnership with Utilities, Retailers, TSOs, DSOs, or ESCOs. The Flexibility Aggregation System is an advanced ICT solution that aggregates a variety of distributed renewable generation, demand response capabilities and storage resources into a clean energy asset that acts like a conventional peaking power plant. The main expertise of the CYBER team lies in the demand response area comprising: demand response specifics, electricity markets organisation and trading, distributed generation, automation and management of different electric loads, software development, communication protocols, anthropocentric graphical user interfaces.

Role in the project

Leader of WP5, Provider of Aggregation platform, Interface to case study “Austrian Paper Mill”

CYBER is bringing into the project its extensive knowledge and expertise in demand response and flexibility management area, coupled with its state-of-the-art flexibility tools. CYBER will be leader of the WP5, which focusses on aggregation of flexibilities available by innovative utilisation of the cross energy carrier synergies. The flexibility aggregation platform will be developed by CYBER on basis of existing tools to demonstrate the possibility to trade above mentioned flexibilities on different power markets and to optimise the revenues of trading energies and flexibilities. The flexibility market platform will also be used to carry out technical simulations in cooperation with other tools developed in the project. CYBER will furthermore contribute to other work packages with the practical experience of operating virtual power plants and in three EU countries and providing ancillary services. Input will be provided for technical analysis of power system and heat and cooling appliances as well as for ancillary service market characteristics and business model development. CYBER is the initial contact to the Austrian case study (paper mill).

Contact person:

Dr. Christoph Gutschi (WP5 leader) –

Link to Partner’s website:

cyberGRID GmbH & Co KG
Weimarer Straße 119/1
1190 Wien, Austria


The Centre for Integrated Renewable Energy Generation and Supply (CIREGS) in Cardiff University was established in 2008 as a multidisciplinary engineering group with international expertise in both the supply and transmission of energy. Through rigorous academic research, we seek to expand our knowledge on topics such as wind and solar energy, HVDC, smart grids and integrated energy systems to name but a few. In so doing, we are able to provide expertise to industry and policymakers as well as academics.

Over the years, we have conducted many large-scale projects, trained students from all over the world and published numerous technical papers and books. As a result, our group now takes an active part in the delivery of FLEXIS, MEDOW, BESTPATHS projects and many others.

Role in the project

CU personnel efforts have a major share in WP4 (simulation and optimisation of integrated energy systems). WP4 will play a critical role in MAGNITUDE and will provide tools to analyse, control and optimise the synergies between energy networks. CU will contribute to the definition of services provided by the synergies among multi-carrier networks; to the development of the functional architecture for service provision and the data hubs and information architecture; and to the development of methods and tools for simulation, analysis, optimisation and aggregation in WPs 4 and 5.  CU will also contribute to the development of a case study in the UK. CU will contribute to WPs 7 and 8.

Contact person:

Prof. Jinazhong Wu –

Link to partner’s website:

Queen’s buildings, The Parade
Cardiff, CF24 3AA, UK


Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. is the head company of the ENGINEERING Group , the first IT group in Italy and among the top 10 IT groups in Europe; 8,500, employees and 50 branch offices in Italy and abroad (Belgium, Norway, Republic of Serbia, Latin America and USA). The group produces IT innovation to more than 1.000 large accounts in all markets, with a complete offer combining system and business integration, outsourcing, cloud services, consulting, and proprietary solutions. Engineering Data Centres offer business continuity and IT infrastructure management to about 17.000 servers and 200.000 workstations. Engineering operates through in the following business units: Finance, Central Government, Local Government and Healthcare, Energy & Utilities, Industry and Telecoms, delivering innovative IT solutions to main vertical markets: Aerospace, Insurance, Automotive, Banks, Consumer Products, Defence and Aerospace, Energy &Utilities, Training, Central & Local Government, Homeland Security, Life Science, Manufacturing, Media, Retail, Healthcare, Telecommunications, Transports, Welfare. Since 1987, Engineering innovation capability is supported by its Central Department of Research & Development, with around 250 researchers distributed in 6 laboratories, and currently involved in over 70 research projects. R&D Department have been participating in several National and European research initiatives co-funded by EC and the Italian Research Ministry, with about 33M euro/year of co-funding.The company is core partner of EIT ICT Labs in Italy (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) focused on leveraging ICT for Quality of Life; member of the Board of EOS (European Organisation for Security); core partner of NESSI (Networked European Software and Service Initiative); founding partner of the Future Internet PPP initiative and one of the member of the FIWARE Foundation. Engineering is an active member of most international open source communities and founder of SpagoWorld, a free/open source initiative managed by Engineering. The company is corporate member of OW2 Consortium and Eclipse Foundation. Engineering’s organization includes a specific division dedicated to Energy & Utilities that provides IT & business solutions to clients operating in Utilities sectors: Water, Gas, Electricity, Heating and Waste. The experience achieved over the years is based on an extensive knowledge of specific industry processes. Engineering is strongly recognized as a leader within the Italian Energy & Utilities IT market providing solutions to important Italian multi-utilities companies such as Acea, Hera, Iren, Agsm, Acegas-Aps and to multinational leader companies such as ENI, E.ON, ENEL and ENGIE. Engineering has recently embarked on an ambitious internationalization process and in a few years has already acquired important references in Spain (Acciona), in Brazil (Sabesp) and in Switzerland (AMB).

Role in the project

ENG will undertake the responsibility to design and develop a data hub able to collect and harmonize information coming from the different stakeholders: requests for flexibility coming from DSOs or Energy Retailers, price signals coming from the different energy markets, requests for regulation services coming from TSOs, etc. ENG will lead WP2 “Functional architecture for service provision and data management”: they will contribute to the definition of the overall commercial and functional architecture (Deliverable D2.1) and will lead the specification and implementation of the data hub (Deliverables D2.2 and D2.3). Most of their work will be basically focused on the definition and development of abstraction layer enabling the seamless communication between the MAGNITUDE node and the surrounding environment by addressing the harmonization of protocols, data formats, semantics, interfaces adopted by the different actors to communicate with the multi-energy hub. Because of the key position of this data hub in the overall architecture, ENG will also contribute to other tasks: production of factsheets in WP1, optimisation of multi-carrier hub in WP4 (where they will contribute by bringing into the project their skills and experience done in the INGRID project), and specifications of the multi energy aggregation platform for provision of flexibility services in WP5 (the aggregator is one of the main stakeholder that the MAGNITUDE node must interact with).

Contact person:

Diego Arnone (WP2 Leader) –

Link to partner’s website:

Address of Headquarters:
Via San Martino della Battaglia 56,
00185 Roma, Italy


Established in 2007, REGENERA is a Spanish SME and Energy Services Company (ESCO) focused on energy efficiency, renewable energy and the environment. Our main slogan is “Turning companies’ energy reductions into their main competitive advantage”.

As an ESCO, REGENERA carries out projects of:

  • Energy efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energies (RE) deployment in industries.
  • Energy Management.
  • EE and RE deployment in the water cycle
  • Operation in the Energy market as an agent market (REGENERA is an authorized company able to participate in the electricity production market as electricity buyer and seller).
  • Energy retrofitting actions/technologies and related business models.
  • Energy efficiency in buildings and new ESCO financing and business models (coupled with the London Business School).
  • Innovation in Smart grids, Smart cities, circular economy and energy efficiency for buildings and industry.

Role in the project

Regenera will bring to the project the perspective of energy services providers (ESCOs, DER…) in the analysis of systems and services providing the energy networks with flexibility. Regenera will contribute to the design of flexibility services from the industrial point of view. In addition, Regenera will collect, sort and analyse consistent information of demo cases based on their expertise as energy managers of CHP facilities. Regenera will also study business and technical feasibility of demo cases as providers of flexibility to the energy markets and increasing their interoperability among electricity, gas and heat.

Contact person:

Francisco David Gallego Martínez –

Link to partner’s website:


Regenera Levante, S.L.
C/ Mayor 55, Pol. Ind. Camposol
30006 Murcia (Spain)


VITO is Belgium’s largest independent R&D organization on sustainable technology covering material management, chemistry, health, land use and energy. In the theme Sustainable Energy, there is a strong focus on Demand-Response enabling activities, covering aspects from flexibility identification and modelling, over advanced nomination and control strategies (transactive energy management, multi-agent systems), to energy market design and multi-actor business case modelling. The energy technology department hosts multi-disciplinary expertise related to electricity networks and heat networks including electrical and heat storage and conversion.

Since 2012, VITO is part of the “EnergyVille” collaboration on sustainable energy with the University of Leuven and the R&D centre IMEC.

Role in the project

As VITO has a strong track record in energy-market design, market modelling and business model evaluation, VITO will lead work package 3 on Market design and business models for cross system integration. VITO will mainly contribute to the identification and analysis of future market designs for multi-energy systems and the detailing of selected market designs by the development of market products, bid types and clearing mechanisms. VITO will also be involved in the development of the multi-energy market simulation tool and the market simulation of the different case studies. Finally, VITO is also involved in the development of a price forecasting tool for different markets as part of WP5.

Contact person:

Kris Kessels (WP3 Leader) –

Link to partner’s website:

Boeretang 200, 2400
Mol, Belgium


RSE is a company currently 100% owned by GSE (Gestore Servizi Energetici – GSE S.p.A.), a public company entirely owned by the Italian Government. About 350 technicians and researchers – and their main laboratories – carry out strategic research in the electricity and energy sector, with strong emphasis on experimental applications. The mission is to perform public interest R&D programs to address the national energy, environmental and economic goals, with an open view to the EU research initiatives. RSE SpA is mainly financed through a public fund related to the national electric system. RSE is recognised in Europe as a Non-profit Research Organisation with a wide and very successful role in integrating the national research programes with the EU directives and plans: it is currently cooperating in more than 60 international research projects. In some of them RSE is the coordinator. Moreover RSE has been actively involved in supporting the Ministry of Economic Development with the aim of implementing the EU Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan): namely the Joint Programme of the European Energy Research Alliance(EERA) on Smart Grids and on CCS, as well as the European Industrial Initiatives on Electricity Grids (EEGI) and Wind Energy (EEWI). RSE owns modern instrumental systems and facilities that are used for development and research activities in various areas of the electrical sector, and particularly a test facility dedicated to smart grid simulations with integration of conventional and renewable sources, storage systems and end users (test facility can replicate an electrical small energy district connected to a LV grid and to a DH network). Furthermore RSE deals with innovative strategies and technologies for load management in distribution networks, Demand Side Management and Demand Response business models, market forecast models , tariffs, scenario instruments, regulatory and economic aspects of energy markets.

Role in the project

RSE is structured to perform research and innovation activities on all the energy technologies and systems: renewable (PV, wind, biomass, etc.), conventional (bulk and distributed generation, CHP) and energy storage systems. RSE deals with District Heating (offering expertise to public administration and regulatory bodies). RSE has also expertise on end uses of energy, dealing with user’s equipment (Heat Pump, Boilers). RSE is mainly involved in this project on the WP4 (Simulation and optimisation of integrated energy systems), where RSE is the leading partner. RSE will collect and develop models of technologies able to provide flexibility by synergies among different networks, will set these models in use cases, based on the selected case studies, to perform activities of simulation and optimization, in collaboration with other partners of the consortium. RSE has also a role in the definition and implementation of the control strategies to achieve the target of maximizing flexibility, defined by the project. Model and simulation activities (followed by experimental tests) performed within RSE DER test facility will be used as a basis of the activities in WP4 to better simulate use cases and define control algorithms of new business models. RSE will contribute to all the project activities strictly connected with technology behaviour: identification of services, coupling services with technologies, defining KPIs, etc.

Contact person:

Edoardo Corsetti (WP4 Leader) –

Link to partner’s website:

Contact info: Phone: +39 02 39921

Via Rubattino 54, 20134
Milan – ITALY


Mälardalen University is one of Sweden’s major university colleges with 15,000 students and 900 employees. The University is characterized by short distances: to society at large, between students and teachers, and to our campuses.


In the project, MDH will be the leader of the first task of WP1 and responsible of Deliverable D1.1, as well as the leader of the task dealing with the specification of the KPIs in WP6.

Contact person:

Dr. Hailong Li –

Link to partner’s website:

Contact info:
Mälardalens högskola, Box 883,
721 23 Västerås, Sweden

Högskoleplan 1,
Västerås, Sweden.


Center for Electric Power and Energy at DTU (CEE) provides cutting-edge solutions for one of the major challenges of our modern society: the development of a reliable, cost-efficient and sustainable energy system based on renewable energy. CEE offers new technologies, knowledge, theory and methods within digital energy solutions, interconnected energy systems and optimized energy technologies.

Role in the project:

Leader of work package that is collecting data from the case studies, participate in the development of analysis and evaluation methods for integrated energy systems, participate in the overall evaluation of the combined system performance of the solutions developed.

Contact person:

Henrik W. Bindner (WP6 Leader) –

Link to partner’s website:

Frederiksborgvej 399, building 776
DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark


N-SIDE is an innovative software consulting company in advanced analytics designing optimization solutions for Supply Chain, Operations and Energy management. From strategy down to operations, N-SIDE leverages the value of your data and business knowledge into decision-making power. Our cloud-based custom solutions use cutting-edge technologies such as machine learning and powerful algorithms to solve the most complex industry challenges and turn them into opportunities. We empower organizations with agility and data-driven decisions to optimize processes and use resources wisely while efficiently managing risk and maximizing profits. We ensure our customers are ahead of the game! N-SIDE optimizes decisions of some of the largest companies around the world, across a vast range of industries: Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Steel, Pulp & Paper, Power Exchanges, TSO’s and DSO’s, etc. To learn more about N-SIDE solutions and services, visit

N-SIDE Energy market optimization activities:

  • N-SIDE, as a key actor in the Energy market and expert in advanced analytics, has developed a range of algorithms to contribute to a better integration of electricity markets (Day-ahead, Intraday, Balancing, Reserve) at different dimensions:
  • Horizontal Integration – By the coupling of national markets at the European level. EUPHEMIA, developed by N-SIDE, is the official coupling algorithmfor the European day-ahead markets, determining the spot prices and volumes for 23 countries.
  • Vertical IntegrationBy the optimization of energy and ancillary service markets at the global and local levels. N-SIDE algorithms leverage the flexibilities of DERs (Distributed Energy Resources) and allows an optimal coordination between TSOs and DSOs.
  • Transversal IntegrationBy the development of optimal cooperation between electricity, gas and heat systems thanks to integrated markets and bidding strategies.

N-SIDE Industrial Energy Flexibility Optimization activities

As a key actor in advanced analytics and expert in energy optimization, N-SIDE offers a complete range of flexibility optimization services and solutions to help you capture the full value of your energy flexibility!

Since each industry has its own process specificities and constraints, particular objectives and level of flexibility maturity, N-SIDE proposes a three-steps approach to identify, valorize and optimize your energy flexibility through progressive change management and true partnership.

Our solutions cover different applications like electricity price forecasts, production planning, nomination optimization, real-time imbalance optimization …

Role in the project

N-SIDE will bring a significant contribution in WP3 in

  • developing new multi-energy (heat, gas, power) market designs for the future
  • Write down the (mathematical) specifications: market products, constraints, objective,..
  • Implementing a market simulator allowing to test these new market designs
  • Testing the market simulator on scenarios to be developed in WP6, in synergy with the case studies.

N-SIDE will also contribute significantly to WP5, by developing and providing energy market prices forecasts algorithms, to be used by the multi-energy aggregation platform.

Contact person:

Guillaume Leclercq –

Link to partner’s website:

Boulevard Baudouin 1er,
25 B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve ,  Belgium
Tel. +32 (0) 10 45 87 55


The European Institute For Energy Research (EIFER) is a European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG) based in Karlsruhe, with the KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) and EDF (Électricité de France) as equal stakeholders.

Today EIFER employs approximately 110 staff members of different nationalities, with multi-disciplinary skills. EIFER’s activity is focused on three strategic priorities to tackle the challenge of the energy transition:

  • Contribution to sustainable city engineering through integrated approaches, models and tools for the multi-sectorial analysis of cities and territories and for strategic planning;
  • Development of Local Energy Concepts and Solutions from technology road-maps and local resources analysis towards support to operational projects;
  • Analysis of the trends and interactions within energy systems through simulation at different scales and European prospective analysis using a systemic approach.
  • Research and development at EIFER are focused on decentralized energy production, smart electricity and thermal grids, urban and energy planning.

Role in the project

  • EIFER will contribute mainly on technologies and use cases’ characterization and development, on business models, and market design.
  • EIFER leads WP1, where it coordinates two tasks and is responsible for two Deliverables D1.2 and D1.4. In WP2, EIFER contributes to the identification of the role models and in WP3, it contributes to the overall conceptual definition in three tasks and, more specifically, on the market framework in Austria.
  • EIFER is as well involved in WP4 and throughout WP6 for the collection and exploitation through modelling of the data from case studies.
  • EIFER contributes as well to dissemination activities with the results achieved in WP1 for policy advice and impact analysis.

Contact person:

Nicole Pini (WP1 Leader) –

Link to website:

Emmy-Noether-Strasse 11,
76131 Karlsruhe (Germany)


Efficacity ( is a research and development institute specialising in the field of urban energy efficiency. Efficacity was awarded as “Energy Transition Institute” status as part of a call for projects under France’s Programme of Investments for the Future.

Efficacity is regrouping industrial partners (EDF, Veolia, ENGIE, VINCI ENERGY, IBM…), academic and public research centres (ARMINES, CEREMA, CSTB, IFFSTAR…). The R&D works are carried out by multidisciplinary teams (internal and from its partners’ provision) consisting of researchers or engineers specialising in energy, environment, transport, etc., but also including economists, architects, planners and sociologists, covering the entire value chain of urban projects and investments. The Efficacity Institute currently consists of around 50 researchers (full-time equivalent). The Institute intends to contribute to the development of solutions that are innovative and scientifically strong. This will allow the city managers to act in a more efficient manner at each stage of the decision process, from territorial assessment to monitoring performance, including assistance with decisions and design/optimization of the projects from technical and economic points of view.

Role in the project:

As a multidisciplinary research and development institute in urban energy efficiency, Efficacity will contribute to MAGNITUDE project through two main aspects. On the one hand, Efficacity will provide its competency in mathematical optimization (especially decentralized and stochastic optimization) and the past expertise of the optimization team with energy companies on different topics (optimal management of dams, of aggregator and virtual power plant, of micro-grids). On the other hand, the department of economics is solicited to contribute to identify novel market designs and to elaborate and evaluate business models. By bringing together private and public institutions, Efficacity is actively seeking to achieve a successful energy urban transition with a neutral position.  It enables cooperation between different urban actors in the aim of creating additional value. A complex process in which it led the institute to identify barriers and reveal economic opportunities for energy transition. This know-how would be meaningful to address the complexity of increasing synergies from different energy actors to reach MAGNITUDE desirable results.

Contact person:

Mohamed Elmtiri –

Link to website:

Bâtiment Bienvenüe 14, Boulevard Isaac Newton
77420 Champs-sur-Marne – France
Tel: 01 61 44 13 31 / 06 23 45 55 77


ARTTIC assists clients from all business and research sectors, small and large, private and public, to ensure the success of their collaborative research & innovation ventures. During close to 32 years of success, ARTTIC developed and demonstrated expertise in the set-up and management of to date 400 large-scale ambitious projects of which 96 were successful under H2020 calls. Based on its long-standing experience in a range of funding programmes across scientific and technological domains, ARTTIC helps clients to move from strategic plans to effective competitive research and development of innovative solutions, resulting in successful applications and businesses. ARTTIC is a company of the PNO Consultants group, the European leader for consultancy in innovation and funding.

ARTTIC provides specific and practical help with all aspects of international R&D projects, taking charge of all management aspects of running projects and helping to disseminate and exploit project results successfully.

ARTTIC has a 30-year track record in the management of international R&D collaboration projects in various scientific and technical domains, including more than 300 major RDI projects and networks during previous framework programmes.

ARTTIC staff has extensive experience and knowledge in various R&D fields, including in energy and nuclear research. ARTTIC is currently providing management support to a broad range of projects in the ICT, Security, Transportation, Life sciences and Manufacturing as well as other themes of FP7 and Horizon 2020 and has successfully assisted in the development of IPs and STREPs in FP6, FP7 and H2020.

Role in the project:

In MAGNITUDE, ARTTIC will support the consortium in the daily management and administrative tasks (WP8) to ensure the collaboration is working efficiently, the project is properly monitored and decisions and actions are prepared and taken according to the project progress. ARTTIC will provide methods, tools and operational support for the collaboration within the consortium and to simplify as much as possible the work of the RDI staff.

In addition, ARTTIC will have a strong role in WP7 “Dissemination, exploitation and management of innovation” in developing a Dissemination Strategy, coordinating the project communication activities, organising dedicated workshops, handling media relations, preparing the project dissemination printed material and facilitating exploitation planning.

Contact person:

Elizabeth Haddad or Emmanuelle da Silva –

Link to Website:

Head offices, 58A rue du Dessous des Berges 
75013 Paris, France
Tél : +33 1 53 94 54 60


Emuasa was born in 1989 as a joint venture service company, 51% owned by Murcia´s Council and 49% by Hidrogea(SUEZ,

The company manages the urban water cycle serving nearly 439,712 people divided between the urban centre, the surrounding countryside and 54 villages(<881km²). Activities: drinking water production and distribution, sewage network management, discharges control and wastewater treatment (15 WWTP).

Role in the project:

Case study. Murcia Este WWTP is a “multi energy system” (energy production/consumption, biogas production).

Murcia Este WWTP was designed to treat 100,000 m3/d with peak season contaminant loads of 588 mg/l of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) and 548 mg/l of Suspended Solids (SS).

The wastewater treatment is carried out by means of the A2O process for biological nutrient removal, which includes anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic stages, allowing significant nutrients (nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P)) removal.

The effluent is returned to the Segura River, contributing to the river’s regeneration and conservation.

Contact person:

Mar Castro –

Link to partner’s website:

Plaza Circular, 9
30008 Murcia – Spain



A2A Calore & Servizi is a company of the A2A Group. A2A Calore & Servizi is a leader, in Italy, in the district heating sector, that has been designing and managing during over 40 years in the areas of Milan, Brescia and Bergamo.

It is involved mainly in:

  • production, distribution and supply of district heating;
  • design, construction and operation of district heating production plants and heat distribution networks;
  • heat and facility management.

Role in the project:

A2A will be Case study #2 owner and contribute to to WP6 by forming and providing data for the model validation and for the model based simulations.

Contact person:

Alessandro Gnatta –

Link to partner’s website:

Via Lamarmora, 230
25124 Brescia (Italy)


Euroheat & Power is the international network for district energy, promoting sustainable heating and cooling in Europe and beyond. The DHC+ Technology Platform, set up under the umbrella of Euroheat & Power, is the European hub for research & innovation in district heating and cooling. In MAGNITUDE, DHC+ is responsible for the project implementation.

Role in the project:

  • Supporting communication, dissemination and exploitation activities
  • Exploiting its wide network of members throughout Europe to validate results and have a multiplier effect for the project dissemination and exploitation
  • Connecting with other EU stakeholders, e.g. European associations of the electricity, gas and heating industry
  • Interfacing with EU policy-makers and regulators preparing the MAGNITUDE roadmap
  • Developing Policy Recommendations at EU level and executing Policy Strategy to ensure the uptake of the MAGNITUDE results

Contact person:

Alessandro Provaggi –

Link to the partner’s website:

Cours Saint Michel 30a box E,
1040 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)2 740 21 10