EMP-E 2020: Modelling Climate Neutrality for the European Green Deal  – October 6 – 8th 2020   

Posted by on Jul 31, 2020

The fourth conference of the Energy Modelling Platform for Europe (EMP-E) “Modelling Climate Neutrality for the European Green Deal” took place place on 6th – 8th October 2020. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this year’s conference was held online. The recording and presentations of the sessions can be found here on the EMP-E website.

The conference took place on three consecutive days, with a shorter programme planned for each day. This year’s conference offered a unique opportunity to reach beyond scientists, modellers and policy makers and included even more stakeholders, from even further afield. Modelling and policy insights developed during the conference will be opened up to a peer review process and compiled into an informative report. This will enable reaching beyond local, national and regional, to all levels of policy makers, and engage with the widest possible range of stakeholders involved in the EU energy system.

  • The Call for Abstracts for Papers (deadline 30th November) is available on the conference website.
  • MAGNITUDE, in collaboration with the PLANET project, hosted a Plenary Session “Sector integration: Decarbonisation through multi-energy carrier integration” and a dedicated Focus Group “Smart cities, Smart grids and digitalization: Modelling insights and lessons learned”. 