How can sector coupling enable flexibility provision? – Technical and market integration challenges, MAGNITUDE Public Workshop, 10th October 2019, Brussels Belgium
The MAGNITUDE H2020 European project ( aims to develop business and market mechanisms as well as supporting coordination tools, to provide flexibility to the European electricity system by enhancing the synergies between electricity, gas and heating/cooling systems. The goal is the provision of services by multi-energy systems to support the cost-effective integration of renewable energy sources and enhance the security of supply. The project results are validated on 7 real-life case studies of multi-energy systems in Austria, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, and Sweden.
This public workshop organized by the MAGNITUDE consortium took place on the 10th October 2019 and was dedicated to the presentation of the project results, the latest development of the MAGNITUDE tools, the project real-life case studies and the exchange of experiences and ideas with other professionals from the energy and economy fields. The day was full of a series of sessions and the participants joined in interactive discussions, enjoyed a working lunch, watched MAGNITUDE demonstrations and discussed project posters.
Venue: University Foundation – Fondation Universitaire, Egmontstraat 11 rue d’Egmont – 1000 Brussels
Agenda for the event:
10h – Welcome coffee
10H30 – 11h00 Introduction of the topic and presentation of the MAGNITUDE project – Régine Belhomme, EDF
- The challenge of flexibility provision in the electricity system.
- What is sector coupling and how can it enable flexibility provision?
- Presentation of the MAGNITUDE H2020 European project and how it contributes to these questions.
11h00 – 12h00 Session 1 – New technical challenges for Multi-Energy Systems – Chair: Nicole Pini, EIFER
This session will tackle the role that sector coupling and storage technologies have in providing flexibility.
- Shaping the future multi-energy systems: lessons learnt from the project case studies (20 min, Nicole Pini, EIFER)
- Heating and cooling perspective in energy integration (20 min, Alessandro Provaggi, DHC+)
- Discussion (20 min)
12h00 – 13h00 – Poster session and demonstrations – Chair: Angelina Syrri, DTU
Learn more about MAGNITUDE results and the tools under development, through presentations of posters and live demonstrations.
- Posters: “Flexibility provision by multi-energy systems for services to the electricity system”
- Live Demos: “Multi-energy market simulation and market price forecasting”
13h00 – 14h00 – Lunch
14h00 – 15h15 Session 2 – Aggregation and market integration of multi-energy systems– Chair: Kris Kessels, VITO
This session will first look into flexibility provision of multi-energy systems (MES) to the electricity system within the H2020 European projects MAGNITUDE and FHP, specifically focusing on the approach towards aggregation.
- Flexibility provision by MES through aggregation in support of the power system
- Multi energy aggregation platform for the provision of flexibilities: the MAGNITUDE perspective (Christoph Gutschi, cyberGRID)
- Energy Communities leveraging flexibility by Active Connected Buildings: experience from the FHP (Flexible Heat and Power) project (Chris Caerts, VITO)
- Future market design for improved sector coupling
- Innovative market schemes for integrated multi-energy systems: the MAGNITUDE perspective (Kris Kessels, VITO)
- A local marketplace for electricity, district heating and cooling in Gothenburg: the experience of the FED (Fossil-free Energy Districts) project (Magnus Brolin, RISE)
- Discussion (15 min)
15h15 – 15h45 Coffee break
15h45 – 16h45 – Session 3 – Modelling and Simulation of Multi-Energy System for flexibility quantification – Chair: Edoardo Corsetti, RSE – Meysam Qadrdan, Cardiff University
In this session we will discuss why MES are relevant for flexibility service provision and how to set (optimal) strategies for market service participation.
- Assessment of Multi-Energy System for flexibility maximization (Edoardo Corsetti, RSE)
- An orchestration tool for the optimal management of energy exchange over the networks: the PLANET proposal for a new approach to the sector coupling (Gabriele Fambri, Poli-To)
- Discussion
16h45-17h00 – Conclusion and next steps – Régine Belhomme, EDF
Wrap-up of the day. Upcoming results and next steps in MAGNITUDE.